I am Sourojit Saha

Engineer and Roboticist

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Name: Sourojit Saha

Profile: Engineer and Roboticist

Email: sourojit.saha@gmail.com


ROS2, ROS, C++, Python, MATLAB, Numpy, PyTorch, Pandas, OpenCV, Qt, PyQt, AWS, Git, Docker, Linux


Simulink, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Qt Designer, Siemens TIA portal, SAS (Certified)


Motion Planning, Control Systems, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics, Simulation, Robotics


Email : sourojit.saha@gmail.com
Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/sourojitsaha
Github : https://github.com/sourojit-saha
About me

I am a Robotics Engineer and have worked on multiple robotics projects. I am the first engineering hire at Swarmbotics.ai where I built the robots from scratch, from creating simulations to developing its physical prototype.

I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University. There, I worked on various robotic systems and developed a strong foundation in Control Theory, Planning for Robots, Computer Vision, ML/AI and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM). I am looking for exciting opportunities and would love to connect.

I have experience with robots and autonomous systems such as RC-cars, nano quad-copters and SPOT. I have also designed and created multi-robot simulations for testing concepts.

I have worked on multi-robot exploration system involving RC cars & SPOT, where my task was to develop a communications multiplexer for multi-robot communications. In addition I developed a visualization tool for displaying the maps, camera streams and robot state for exploration operations. Later, it was extended to create a GUI giving more control to operators during a mission.

I have worked with nano quad-copters where I implemented an LQR controller for hovering the quad-copter. I have also worked on autonomous driving system where I implemented path planning algorithm for safe parking of RC car.

Overall I love working with robots and would love to discuss opportunities :)

